Steel Pipe Products
Industrial Plastic PipeIndustrial Plastics
High-Density Polyethylene
Offered in a variety of sizes and types, our inventory of HDPE is a high-impact polyethylene that exhibits excellent strength, energy absorption, abrasion resistance, and resistance to stress cracks. Compared with low-density polyethylene, this material offers better corrosion resistance, a higher working temperature range, and higher tensile strength. It is also lightweight and does not absorb moisture.
Industrial Plastics are availlable through the following locations:
Bakersfield Branch – 661-399-4540
Kelly Pipe is proud to offer a wide variety of convenient, valuable pipe-related services to our clients.
Many of these services are value-added based on the nature of your order.








The Ultimate Pipe Source.

Contact one of our sales professionals now to get a competitive quote for any of your pipe needs. We pride ourselves as a reliable supplier of industrial pipe offering over 100 years of superior service. Trust Kelly to meet your needs and exceed your expectations while remaining competitive.